Monday, March 25, 2013

George Lucas Before He Was George Lucas

I have an aunt
She was a feminist.
She used to wear a poncho, cowboy boots and nothing else.
With a flask gartered to her thigh.

She also told me that she once dated George Lucas and that he used to be an incredibly nerdy and socially awkward guy.
She is educated and most of what she has said to me, in the times we do have meaningful conversation, is fascinating and intelligent. 
Now I do not want to say that she is a liar, but this is would just be an example of how someone could being speaking to you and you have to stop and think, "Your words are worth about as much as tits on a turtle." We can thank the fictional Sookie Stackhouse for that wonderful catch phrase. HBO has some witty writers coming up with this stuff..
Turtles don't have tits and don't really have any use for them.
And now I am imagining a confused mother turtle trying to nurse her baby turtles.
I think turtles lay eggs. Multiple eggs. I mean I think turtles can lay hundreds of eggs. 
George Lucas is still a nerd. And I hope he doesn't find out that I called one of his pre-fame relationships a crock of toads.
Uncle Lucas, forgive me if I'm wrong.  

Welcome Reader(s)
To My East Coast Point of View
Truthfully, Katherine Alice 

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